it is said that the Greek ocean goddess of love, beauty and pleasure, Aphrodite was born from a seashell. Venus, the Roman goddess of fertility and love is also oftentimes depicted standing in a large shell. throughout the ages, shells have been a symbol of sexuality and fertility. they have also been symbolic of healthy communication; clarity of speech and ability to listen.
it is curious how attracted we are to these small, yet mighty vessels. perhaps we can relate. our bodies too are beautiful, colorful, unique shells in a way, that protect our life force - encapsulate our spirits. they are resilient, able to withstand the forces of the ocean, yet appear so delicate.
hang the Maurea pendant around your neck, let it sit against your chest as a reminder that you are just a vessel for infinite love, pleasure and possibility. you're delicacy, strength, and resilience are sides of the same coin. occupy this vessel with a fervor to create all that your fertile soul desires to create, and understand through your ability to communicate, how to be in positive communication with all beings.
cast in bronze, strung on an 18" 14 karat gold filled chain